Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Building a Successful Construction Company

Building a Successful Construction Company Review

Building a Successful Construction Company by Patricia W. Atallahis a straightforward, conversational guide that emphasizes how strategic thinking is essential for starting and running a construction company today.  With over 10 years of experience consulting on construction business practices, Atallah has worked with hundreds of companies and knows the tricks of the trade that continually prove successful.
In Building a Successful Construction Company, the 2.7 million new and experienced contractors in the U.S. alone will welcome a practical, easy-to-read book that lays out the facts needed to get started, provides valuable resources and interactive tools, offers insightful anecdotes from top experts in the field, and helps them incorporate much-needed strategy and structure into their businesses.
Armed with a real appreciation for the challenges that contractors face every day, Atallah has developed practical tools and advisory services aimed at helping contractors avoid the pitfalls and build a solid, stable, and profitable business. And, unlike other books, Building a Successful Construction Company is written to all commercial, institutional and residential contractors.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Measure and Construction of the Japanese House (Contains 250 Floor Plans and Sketches Aspects of Joinery)

Measure and Construction of the Japanese House (Contains 250 Floor Plans and Sketches Aspects of Joinery) Review

A remarkable classic work on traditional Japanese architecture and its general integrative quality, the order of space and form, the flexibility of partitions and room functions and other important or unique qualities. The author describes in detail, and with numerous architectural plans and drawings, the influence of the anatomy of the Japanese human body on traditional units of measurement and on house construction. This work is not simply a description of the features of the Japanese house, but "an invitation to probe the possibilities of utilizing this architectural achievement of the Japanese . . . in modern living and building," according to the author, who further believes that the unique features of the Japanese house are better suited to serve as a pattern for contemporary housing than any other form of residential structure.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing (4th Edition)

Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing (4th Edition) Review

This book details the advances that have been made in theory development and demonstrate the continued relevance of theory to nursing practice. Chapters discuss concepts, statement, and theory development with recently published examples of theory strategies, emphasizing concept analytical work. Introductory chapters clarify the relevance of theory to nursing practice, while concluding chapters contain a greater emphasis on how theories can be tested for validity and utility in practice. Features include: Recent theory development work being done by nurses; Emergent philosophical views that reflect increased diversity; and International nursing theory development. Nursing Professionals.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

C Is for Construction: Big Trucks and Diggers from A to Z (Caterpillar)

C Is for Construction: Big Trucks and Diggers from A to Z (Caterpillar) Review

Exciting photographs are paired with cool facts and simple explanations in this earthmoving ABC. Kids love trucks and diggers and this alphabet book has all their favorites, from the speedy skid steer loader to the giant 797 off-highway truck (one of the biggest trucks in the world!). Seeing real Cat machines at work, digging, hauling, dumping, and lifting, puts young readers right there on the construction site in the middle of the action. (No hard hats necessary!)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dog Agility Equipment Construction Instructions: YOU CAN! Build Better Training Obstacles for your Dog

Dog Agility Equipment Construction Instructions: YOU CAN! Build Better Training Obstacles for your Dog Review

In this new, revised step-by-step guide to building agility obstacles for your dog I took comments from YOU and have created a Better guide to building Dog Agility Equipment. This easy to understand booklet includes: improved color coded diagrams and full color photos of the equipment as works in progress and completed, a list of all materials, which are easily available at hardware stores or home improvement warehouse stores (no expensive specialty pieces that you would have to order on-line) and a list of the common household tools needed. This booklet will easily pay for itself in saved trips to the store, miss cut pieces, and saved time and effort. More than 15 plans included!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Historical Change in Serial Verb Constructions (Typological Studies in Language)

Historical Change in Serial Verb Constructions (Typological Studies in Language) Review

This work examines both historical and comparative evidence in documenting the sweep of diachronic change in the context of serial verb constructions. Using a wide range of data from languages of West Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, it demonstrates how shifts in meaning and usage result in syntactic, morphological and lexical change. The process by which verbs lose lexical semantic content and develop case-marking functions is described; it is argued that the change is directional, from verb to preposition (or postposition) to affix, along a grammaticalization continuum. This same grammaticalization process is shown to result in the development of complementizers, adverbial subordinators, conjunctions, adverbs and auxiliaries from verbs. Strong parallels across languages are found in the meanings of the verbs that become "defective" and in the functions they come to mark. The changes are documented in detail, with examples from a number of languages illustrating the effect of the changes on typology and word order, implications for the encoding of definiteness and aspect, and the relevance of notions such as discourse topic, foreground and transivity. With respect to theoretical assumptions and terminology, the author has taken a relatively nonpartisan approach, and the discussion is accessible to students of language as well as of interest to theoreticians.