Monday, June 6, 2011

The Ethical Engineer: An "Ethics Construction Kit" Places Engineering in a New Light

The Ethical Engineer: An "Ethics Construction Kit" Places Engineering in a New Light Review

On occasion, professionals need to use moral reasoning as well as engineering skills to function effectively in their occupation. Eugene Schlossberger has created a practical guide to ethical decision-making for engineers, students, and workers in business and industry. "The Ethical Engineer" sets out the tools and materials essential to dealing with whistle-blowing, environmental and safety concerns, bidding, confidentiality, conflict of interest, sales ethics, advertising, employer-employee relations, when to fight a battle, and when to break the rules. The author offers recommendations and techniques as well as rules, principles, and values that can guide the reader. Lively examples, engaging anecdotes, witty comments, and well-reasoned analysis prove his conviction that "ethics is good business." It includes an author note: Eugene Schlossberger is Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Philosophy at Purdue University at Calumet. He is also the author of "Moral Responsibility and Persons (Temple)".

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